Farm Visit 5 Events

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Dairy Fest 1 Event

In 2001, World Milk Day was established by the Food and Agriculture Organisation of the United Nations to recognize the importance of milk as a global food, and to celebrate the dairy sector. Each year since, the benefits of milk and dairy products have been actively promoted around the world, including how dairy supports the livelihoods of one billion people. 

To help create a positive stream of conversation, the 2021 celebrations began with the Enjoy Dairy Rally May 29 - 31, culminating with World Milk Day on Tuesday, June 1. In 2021, our theme focused on Sustainability in the dairy sector. Messages around the environment, nutrition and socio-economics helped re-introduce dairy farming to the world.

We encouraged videos from farmers and others who are embracing technology to help create a low-carbon future for dairy. You can help by developing these short videos, and sharing on social media as we re-introduce dairy farmers to the world.

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